There has been some confusion over the past few weeks concerning the 5lb allowance for novices who have won 5 or fewer races. It only applies to Open Races as last year (there were discussions to widen its scope).
N.B. I realise that the language is confusing, and the error in Regulation 75 causes further doubt but rule has not changed from last year.
N.B. 2. I am aware there are quite a few errors in Regs and Instructions which we are trying to rectify. For next season this will be improved by a better timeline, and in medium term I hope to have a complete rewrite in place before too long.
5 lb Allowance for Novice riders
- This is for those novice riders who have not won more than 5 races prior to the Thursday before the stated date of a Point-to-Point
- It is only applicable for Open races (less the 4 Classics. NB there are no penalties or allowances for the 4 classics)
There has been some confusion about the 5 lb allowance for novice riders due to misinterpretation of the rules and an error within regulation 75.
- Page 8 of the Planner headed Penalties, is correct but may seem confusing as point (vii) is only applicable to point (i) – i.e. Open Races
- Regulation 75 needs addition on first line of page 103. It should read …outlined in sub regulation (i) …
Jockeys have been given 1lb extra weight allowance at scales owing to increased weight of new, enhanced body protectors
From 1 October 2018, the minimum acceptable standard for a safety vest (body protector) for race riding for jockeys of all disciplines will be increased. As a result, all jockeys will be required to wear the new “Level 2” body protectors, rather than the current “Level 1” model.
This change, the first since 2015, is due to the fact that the Level 2 vest offers superior protection of up to 50% to the Level 1 vest against direct blows such as kicks.
The new Level 2 body protectors must comply with EN 13158: 2009 or 2018.
Acknowledging that the new vests weigh between 0.4-0.6lbs more than the Level 1 vest the BHA has agreed to allow an extra one pound at scales bringing the allowance for safety equipment to 3lbs. This allowance does not impact on any other weight allowances.
Dr Jerry Hill, Chief Medical Adviser for the BHA, said:
“I am delighted that the Level 2 vests will be introduced as they offer enhanced protection compared to the Level 1 vest, and the extra weight allowance is very welcome. Through the use of the BHA digital archive with our academic research partners at the Universities of Bath and Sydney Australia we will be monitoring falls patterns to see how we might introduce further policies to reduce injuries in racing, with an emphasis on spinal injuries.”
Paul Struthers, Chief Executive of the Professional Jockeys Association (PJA) said:
“This is a good development. The new vests are another big step forward for the safety of our jockeys, and the feedback we have heard so far from Ireland is all positive. The extra 1lbs allowance is also a big help.”
All Photographers/Videographers unless the Point-to-Point Area’s Official Photographer/Videographer must apply to a representative of each Organising Committee for permission to take photographs at a Point-to-Point fixture. Each fixture should provide them with an outline of what will and will not be permissible.
The Organising Committee should include the following conditions in the documentation which is sent to Photographer/Videographers/videographers:
- The Organising Committee reserves the right to charge a fee of [enter appropriate amount] for each fixture which is attended by the Photographer/Videographer
- Photographers/Videographers must provide evidence that they hold public liability insurance to a minimum of £1 million.
- Any permission given to either press or commercial Photographers/Videographers (irrespective of those provided with Area or National Passes) is at the discretion of the Organising Committee (unless other accreditation arrangements are in place).
- Without such permission/approval no Photographer/Videographer may display or publish images/footage for sale and if found doing so will be asked to remove them and will be reported to the Point-to-Point Secretaries Association.
- Identification can be issued by a representative of the Organising Committee and, must be always worn
- All Photographers/Videographers entering a Point-to-Point will be subject to the Fixture’s Terms and Conditions of Entry
- All directions given by the Clerk of the Course or other meeting official(s) must be complied with
- Photographs cannot be taken in the Weighing Room/Tent, Parade Ring or Winners’ Enclosure or any other area specified by the Organising Committee without prior approval.
- The Organising Committee reserves the right to restrict the number of Photographers/Videographers in unsaddling enclosure or any other area as deemed appropriate.
- Photographers/Videographers must not solicit names/addresses of owners, trainers, jockeys or other connections unless permission is given by a representative of the Organising Committee.
- The use of flash photography is strictly forbidden except during presentations in low light conditions.
- Photographers/Videographers are asked to refrain from photographing/filming injured, distressed or dead horses. Photography of ongoing medical or veterinary treatment is not permitted at any time.
- Photographers/Videographers must have regard at all times to the safety of all people in the area where the photograph is being taken, particularly in the unsaddling enclosure – DO NOT request that stable staff turn a horse around when there are other people in the area.
- The racecourse reserves the right to request copies of any pictures which might be used by the stewards for the purpose of any inquiry being held without the Organising Committee or British Horseracing Authority being liable to make any payment.
- Every Photographer/Videographer operates entirely at their own risk and the Managing Executive will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage to the Photographer/Videographer or any equipment howsoever the same may arise.
- Permission to take photographs/video does not confer any exclusive rights.
- Amateur Photographer/Videographers must abide by the terms and conditions of entry and the PPSA amateur photography guidance notes below.
Point-to-Point Organising Committee Obligations
The Organising Committee or their nominated representative must ensure that all approved Photographers/Videographers are aware that:
a) Photographers/Videographers may not position themselves on the racing surface*, or on or above the take-off or landing side of a fence, and are to remain on the outside of any running rail and are not to lean over or from under a running rail;
*Note: The surface is deemed as the course in use for that race. This also includes any bypass of a fence, whether it is in use or not. For Point-to-Point Flat races, all Photographer/Videographers must be behind a running rail.
b) Photographer/Videographers must not stand behind or in any wing of a fence or protrude a camera through any part of a wing or stand between a double rail;
c) no remote cameras are to be attached to any wing of a fence;
d) no remote cameras to be placed on the take-off side of a fence, except in a ditch or behind or in the wing on the non-bypass side. Remote cameras may be positioned on the landing side of a fence, within and no further than six inches from the base of fence frame;
e) tripods and ladders must not be used before or for 30 yards after a fence on the side of the rail marking the layby of that fence. The top step/platform of the ladder must not be higher than the running rail;
f) Photographers/Videographers using a ladder must remain static on the ladder until all runners have gone past the site of the ladder;
g) camera support spikes and mini-tripods may be used but the camera lens must be behind the line of the running rail upright;
h) photography inside the winner’s enclosure is to be restricted to those who are authorised by the Organising Committee.
i) photography is not to take place in the Weighing Room/tent or Parade Ring, except with the permission of a representative of the Organising Committee.
j) flash photography of horses is not permitted. Flash photography may be allowed in specific areas or in adverse light conditions, with permission of a representative of the Organising Committee.
k) photography of ongoing medical or veterinary treatment is not permitted. Specific examples where photography is not considered acceptable, although the list is not exhaustive, include horses or riders undergoing treatment when screens have been erected, the interior of an ambulance when a patient is on board, and inside designated treatment areas for both humans and equines.
The above obligations may be supplemented at individual fixtures by any special additional instructions as considered necessary to safeguard riders and horses before, during and after races, and particularly before and after fences.
Any dispensations to these obligations require written permission from a representative of the Organising Committee in advance.
Amateur Photography/Videography
Amateur Photographers/Videographers are only permitted to take photographs in the areas normally open to the public and should not encroach upon areas specifically designated for or used by professional Photographers/Videographers. As such, it is advised that they not be given accreditation to do so.
A notice is to be included in racecards* warning amateurs of the restrictions placed upon them, and that the use of flash equipment is not permitted.
Any instances of Photographer/Videographers who do not comply with this guidance document should be reported by the Organising Committee to the Point-to-Point Secretaries Association and further action may be taken.
Representatives of the Fixture’s Organising Committee may find it beneficial to provide all Photographer/Videographers and Videographers with a copy of this guidance document and to advise them to comply with the provisions contained within.
Organising Committees representatives should inform their Area Secretary of any Photographer/Videographer or member of the press, who has been the cause of disruption at any race day for onward dissemination to the British Horseracing Authority via the Point-to-Point Authority.
Body Protectors - A body protector MUST conform to (BS) EN 13158: 2009 or CSN EN 13158: 2009.
Skull Caps - All jockeys in Britain must wear a skull cap that meets either PAS015:2011 or (BS) EN 1384: 2012. The latter standard will be withdrawn as an acceptable standard under the Rules of Racing from 1st January 2017.
At a recent welfare and safety summit in the United States, a presentation was given by Dr. Carl Mattacolla who had tested a variety of skull caps. As a consequence of the results, riders are advised to ensure any skull cap they wear meets the PAS015:2011 standard.
To the best of our knowledge, the only skull caps that currently meet this standard are the Charles Owen helmets, Champion Ventair and KEP Italia. We understand other manufacturers are undergoing testing to meet the PAS015:2011 standard but we are not aware of the results.
If anyone would like to look at the results, they can be found in the Morning Presentations by clicking here.
In the event of the MRB not being available, a rider will not be permitted to ride. There will be a provision made for riders who do not have their MRB due to extenuating circumstances. More details to follow.
Spurs of any type will not be allowed.
In the event of a false start, horses will return to the start and a standing start will be activated.
In a welcome change, this year the cost of RQCs has been reduced to £182.67 from £199.00 following a thorough tender and renegotiation process with insurance brokers.
The Regulations and Instructions for Point-to-Point Steeple Chases 2015/16 will be available on the website from 8th October.
Please find below some of the key amendments to the Point-to-Point Regulations for the 2015-16 season:
1. ELIGIBILITY – The dates for eligibility roll forward in line with the 2015/16 season.
Ladies Opens - Penalties will be imposed in all ladies races from February 1st each season.
Mixed Opens - Mandatory cumulative penalties will be imposed in all mixed opens for the current and previous season. The base weight will be 11st7lbs.
5YO Horses - The 5YO 7lb allowance will be removed from March 1st each season.
“Veteran Horse” - A Veteran Horse is a horse aged nine years old and upwards from the start of the season up to and including December 31st, or ten years old and upwards from January 1st until season end.
Restricted Race - Winners of Flat races and National Hunt flat races will be allowed to run in restricted races.
4. ‘YOUNG HORSE MAIDENS’ – 7 year olds will be disallowed from running in Young Horse Maidens over 2 miles 4 furlongs
5. NEW DISTANCE OF 2m4f ACROSS ALL RACES - Maiden races for 4, 5, and 6 year olds, and/or one Point-to-Point Steeple Chase per fixture with the approval of the British Horseracing Authority, may be run over 2 miles 4 furlongs.
6. MAXIMUM PRIZE FUND – The total prize money or other prize for an Open (Men’s, Ladies or Mixed) Steeple Chase shall be £325-£1,000 and of any other Steeple Chase, £250-£750, save with the express permission of the British Horseracing Authority.